2024-10-27 19:54:14 +02:00

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# Phaser 3.60.0 Change Log
Return to the [Change Log index](CHANGELOG-v3.60.md).
## Build and Webpack Config Updates
* Phaser 3 is now built with webpack 5 and all related packages have been updated.
* Lots of configuration objects now have full TypeScript definitions thanks to @16patsle
* The `path` package used by the TS Defs generator has been moved to `devDependencies` (thanks @antkhnvsk)
## Build and Webpack Config Updates Bug Fixes
* Several paths have been fixed in the `phaser-core.js` entry point (thanks @pavle-goloskokovic)
* Modified the way Phaser uses `require` statements in order to fix an issue in Google's closure-compiler when variables are re-assigned to new values (thanks @TJ09)
## Browser Specific Updates
* We've added a polyfill for the `requestVideoFrameCallback` API because not all current browsers support it, but the Video Game Object now relies upon it.
* IE9 Fix: Added 2 missing Typed Array polyfills (thanks @jcyuan)
* IE9 Fix: CanvasRenderer ignores frames with zero dimensions (thanks @jcyuan)
Return to the [Change Log index](CHANGELOG-v3.60.md).
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