// General includes const irc = require('irc') const path = require('path') // Load config const config = require('./config') const cron = require('node-cron') // Load new plugins const PluginManager = require('./plugins/pluginManager.js') const pluginManager = new PluginManager(config) pluginManager.loadAllPlugins() // Configure logger // create a write stream (in append mode) const logger = require('./logger') if (!config.irc.connect) { logger.info('Not connecting to IRC. Exit') process.exit() } // Start client var client = new irc.Client(config.irc.server, config.irc.nick, { debug: false, channels: config.irc.channels, // floodProtection: true, // sasl: true, millisecondsOfSilenceBeforePingSent: 60000 }) var handleMessage = function (from, to, message) { logger.info(from + ' => ' + to + ': ' + message) pluginManager.testPlugins(message).then((results) => { for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { logger.info('BOT => ' + results[i].to + ': ' + message) // TODO handle TO (nick/channel if (results[i].to === 'nick') { to = from } client.say(to, results[i].message) } }, function (error) { logger.error('Plugin error: ', error) }) // Op if (message.match(/^\.op$/i)) { client.send('NAMES', to) } // reload config if (message.match(/^\.paivita$/i)) { // Using require for config files is dangerous // Rewrite this in the future var filename = path.resolve('./config.js') delete require.cache[filename] var config = require('./config') client.say(to, 'Ladattiin asetustiedosto. ' + Object.keys(config.members).length + ' käyttäjäasetusta. Päivitetään operaattorioikeuksia...') client.send('NAMES', to) } } client.addListener('message', function (from, to, message) { if (String(from) !== String(config.irc.nick)) { handleMessage(from, to, message) } }) client.addListener('pm', function (from, message) { if (String(from) !== String(config.irc.nick)) { handleMessage(from, from, message) } }) client.addListener('join', function (channel, who) { client.whois(who, function (result) { console.log(result) var members = config.members for (var memberNick in members) { var member = members[memberNick] if (typeof result.host !== 'undefined' && typeof result.user !== 'undefined') { if (result.host.match(member.host) && result.user.match(member.user)) { client.send('MODE', channel, '+o', result.nick) } } } }) }) client.addListener('error', function (message) { console.log('error: ', message) }) client.addListener('names', function (channel, nicks) { if (typeof nicks[config.irc.nick] !== 'undefined' && nicks[config.irc.nick] === '@') { // go through nicks for (var nick in nicks) { if (nicks[nick] !== '@') { client.whois(nick, function (result) { var members = config.members for (var memberNick in members) { var member = members[memberNick] if (result.host.match(member.host) && result.user.match(member.user)) { client.send('MODE', channel, '+o', result.nick) } } }) } } } }) for (let i = 0; i < config.cron.length; i++) { let row = config.cron[i] cron.schedule(row.cron, () => { if (client.conn !== null) { for (let c = 0; c < config.irc.channels.length; c++) { handleMessage('BOT', config.irc.channels[c], row.command) } } }, { timezone: "Europe/Helsinki" }) }