-- mcl_raids mcl_raids = {} -- Define the amount of illagers to spawn each wave. mcl_raids.wave_definitions = { -- Pillager { illager_name = "mobs_mc:pillager", wave_1 = 5, wave_2 = 4, wave_3 = 4, wave_4 = 5, wave_5 = 5, extra_wave = 5, }, -- Vindicator aka Angry Axeman { illager_name = "mobs_mc:vindicator", wave_1 = 1, wave_2 = 3, wave_3 = 1, wave_4 = 2, wave_5 = 5, extra_wave = 5, }, --{"mobs_mc:ravager", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2}, -- Witch { illager_name = "mobs_mc:witch", wave_1 = 0, wave_2 = 0, wave_3 = 1, wave_4 = 3, wave_5 = 1, extra_wave = 1, }, -- Evoker { illager_name = "mobs_mc:evoker", wave_1 = 0, wave_2 = 0, wave_3 = 0, wave_4 = 0, wave_5 = 1, extra_wave = 1, }, } mcl_raids.spawn_raid = function(pos, wave) local illager_count = 0 local spawnable = false local r = 32 local n = 12 local i = math.random(1, n) local raid_pos = vector.offset(pos,r * math.cos(((i-1)/n) * (2*math.pi)),0, r * math.sin(((i-1)/n) * (2*math.pi))) local sn = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(vector.offset(raid_pos,0,100,0), vector.offset(raid_pos,0,-100,0), {"group:grass_block", "group:grass_block_snow", "group:snow_cover", "group:sand"}) if sn and #sn > 0 then spawn_pos = sn[1] if spawn_pos then minetest.log("action", "[mcl_raids] Raid Spawn Position chosen at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(spawn_pos) .. ".") spawnable = true else minetest.log("action", "[mcl_raids] Raid Spawn Postion not chosen.") end elseif not sn then minetest.log("action", "[mcl_raids] Raid Spawn Position error, no appropriate site found.") end if spawnable and spawn_pos then for _, raiddefs in pairs(mcl_raids.wave_definitions) do local wave_count = raiddefs.wave_1 for i = 0, wave_count do local entity = minetest.add_entity(spawn_pos, raiddefs.illager_name) if entity then local l = entity:get_luaentity() l.raidmember = true illager_count = illager_count + 1 end end end minetest.log("action", "[mcl_raids] Raid Spawned. Illager Count: " .. illager_count .. ".") end end minetest.register_chatcommand("spawn_raid", { privs = { server = true, }, func = function(name) local wave = 1 local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local pos = player:get_pos() mcl_raids.spawn_raid(pos, wave) end })